I'm trying so hard to find the words, I'm trembling
What seems so easy with others is so hard with you
Looking at you through the crowd was supposed to feel so safe,
I could stare myself blind without you even noticing
So I stood there, and looked at you behind the other girls
So frikkin cute, sitting on the bench, looking at your phone
You started to play one of those cute songs
And then... you looked up at me, smiling
Oh gosh, with those eyes. And that smile
Why did you have to?
And worst of all, you didn't stop
You kept looking at me, smiling
I started to giggle, you smiled even more
And you didn't look away until someone started to talk to you
For how long did that moment last?
I don't know, long enough
The second time, I was just looking. Casually
I saw you, searching through the crowd.
You caught my eyes, just for a sec
Or at least I thought so
You kept your eyes on me, at first you looked dead serious
I so wish I could hear you thoughts
Then, oh my god, you cracked up and smiled
"And that's why I smile"